LearnXinYminutes is a static site (via Middleman) featuring short coding tutorials for a variety of languages. Nothing too interesting in the stack, but it has survived some good traffic storms for being a straight Nginx+static deployment, despite living on a 512mb virtualhost that also serves a bunch of other sites (this one included).
Learn X in Y minutes is a site for short programming language tutorials designed for professional programmers to get up to speed quickly on a new language. It started as a blog response to a Lua tutorial I saw on HN. I made my own Clojure version, and was encouraged to set up a site and accept contributions via Github.
As of this writing (a month later), LearnXinYminutes.com features over 20 community-contributed language tutorials, excluding translations, all accessible and editable via one public Github repository.
The first edition, called RedditLater, was a Clojure Ring web application. I used Middleman and Enlive to generate HTML, and Compojure for routes. The datastore was MongoDB.
About 5-6 years ago, I rewrote it. It's still using Clojure, but now it's a GraphQL API with a Typescript frontend, and it uses Postgres like a sensible application.
Later for Reddit is a free service that lets you post to Reddit on a schedule. I often finish my projects late at night and want to post about them right away, but this turns out to be a poor strategy for actually getting picked up by Reddit. Turns out there are certain times to post that just work better.
There used to be a lot more stuff here, but most of it went unmaintained and I decided to take it down.